See how leading built environment experts are using VU.CITY to communicate the value of their schemes, derisking planning & ultimately getting planning approval.
VU.CITY used in
Southwark Borough Council - Local Plan 2019-2036
In Southwark's Tall Building policy the council request a 3D model of the proposal to assess it's impact in context.
Salford City Council - Validation Requirements
For all major planning applications Salford City Council request that a 3D model of the proposal be provided, so that it can be inserted into VU.CITY for assessment.
Weavers Cross, Belfast
VU.CITY was used collaboratively by the project team to optimise the development & illustrate how it would sit in the context of the environment.
Mayor of London - The London Plan 2021
In Policy D4 on Delivery good design in London, the GLA specified that 3D digital models and VR should be used where possible.
Oxford City Council - Local Plan 2036
In Policy DH2: Views and Building Heights, Oxford City Council called for the need of 3D models to assess the impact of a development in different locations, including any View Cone views that are affected.
Kingston Upon Thames - 3D Modelling & VU.CITY
On the planning and building control section of RBKT's website, applicants are encouraged to submit 3D models to support the application process.
Lambeth - Local Plan 2020-2035
In Policy Q25 on Views and Q26 on Tall Buildings, Lambeth Borough Council request that applicants submit 3D models compatible with VU.CITY so the borough could conduct an assessment of the scheme in context.
Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2031
The Isle of Dog’s Neighbourhood Plan outlines the requirement for 3D models to be used to evidence good architecture and good design, and all Strategic Applications must be accompanied by a submitted model.