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Manchester Development Update: Analysing Recent Approvals and Emerging Trends (May 1st - June 30th)

Written by VU.CITY | Jul 23, 2024 4:06:19 PM

Jump to:  Executive summary  |  Development Update  |  Manchester City Council  |  Salford City Council  |  Wigan Council  |  Bury Council  |  Oldham Council  |  Trafford Council  |  Tameside MBC  |  Expert Opinion  |  Conclusion



Tracking development approvals and refusals in Manchester is of paramount importance amidst the city's rapid evolution as a key economic and cultural hub. As Manchester continues to assert its position as the powerhouse of the North, monitoring planning decisions becomes crucial in understanding the city's development trajectory, identifying emerging trends, and seizing strategic opportunities for growth.

This report aims to delve into recent developments in Manchester's urban landscape over the past two months, leveraging VU.CITY's 3D city model of Manchester to analyse planning approvals and refusals. By exploring key trends, assessing their impact on the future of the Manchester skyline, and identifying planning opportunities, this report seeks to provide stakeholders with actionable insights to navigate the city's dynamic urban environment effectively.

Maintaining accuracy and being up-to-date with the latest consents and planning developments is a core value for VU.CITY. Our platform prides itself on meticulously representing the built environment, ensuring that our 3D city models reflect the most current and precise depictions of buildings and approved developments. This commitment to precision is reflected in our Manchester model, which incorporates the latest planning approvals, enabling us to provide our users with the most reliable information on Manchester's built environment, allowing them to make informed decisions with confidence.


Executive Summary 

  • Diverse Residential Developments: Approvals include four new houses with office conversions, a dementia care living facility, and a large-scale student accommodation building.
  • Refused Projects: Major refusals include office-to-residential conversions, basement and loft flat conversions, and a multi-storey car park construction.
  • Co-Working Space Highlight: Approved installation of shipping containers to create a 4326 sqm co-working space on Bromley Street for a temporary period of 3 years.
  • Planning Trends: Approved projects indicate a trend towards flexible workspaces, mixed-use developments, and specialised residential facilities.
  • Cautious Urban Planning: Refusals suggest a focus on maintaining commercial space, managing urban density, and considering community impact in development decisions.


Development Update: Manchester City Council


Approved Developments Highlights:

Shipping Containers to form Co-Working Space M4 4JS
Installation of shipping containers to form 4326sqm. gross of co-working space (sui generis) with associated car parking and other works for a temporary period of 3 years. This is located on land at Bromley Street, Manchester, M4 4JS.



Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over May and June 2024 in Manchester City:

Manchester City Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
139724/FO/2024 Erection of four houses with ground floor parking and associated amenity space. Change of Use of Palmer House for Class E (g) (offices - 802 sqm) and the construction of a new car park and amenity space. 31st May 2024
138695/FO/2023 Installation of shipping containers to form 4326 sqm. gross of co-working space (sui generis) with associated car parking and other works for a temporary period of 3 years. 31st May 2024
139261/FO/2024 Erection of a 2-storey building comprising 16 No. self-contained dwellings for supported dementia care living with communal lounge and ancillary accommodation, landscaping and associated access, parking and boundary treatment.
11th June 2024
130387/FO/2021 Erection of a part 7, part 9 storey purpose built student accommodation building comprising 146 bed spaces (Sui Generis use class) with ancillary amenity space, a ground floor community hub (proposed for Use Classes F2(b), E(b), E(3), E(f)) and associated landscape works and infrastructure.
13th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Refused Developments:

There were two major scheme development refusals over May and June, and one withdrawal. 

Manchester City Council
Application Ref Description Date of Refusal/ Withdrawal
139559/P3MA/2024 Prior Approval for change of use from offices (Class E - Commercial, Business and Service) to 28 self-contained flats (Class C3 - Dwellinghouses). 13th May 2024
137660/FO/2023 Conversion of 3No existing basements in to 1 bed flats including amendments from existing staircases above, with some internal remodelling. 3 No. loft conversions to create 3 No 2 bed flats in lieu of 3 No 1 bed flats, construction of 3.5 storey rear extension to create 5 No 2 bed flats and 1 No 1 bed flat, including associated external work to create 23 flats in total. 11th June 2024
137427/FO/2023 Erection of a multi-storey car park to form 5 levels of airport car parking with associated landscaping and boundary treatments, following the demolition of an existing warehouse, together with refurbishment works to the Former Bus Garage and installation of replacement boundary treatments.
24th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Development Update: Salford City Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over March and April 2024 in Salford:

Salford City Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
PA/2024/0217 Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning permission 22/80775/FUL (Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 21/77159/FUL for the development of 177 dwellings (comprising 45 apartments and 132 houses) and associated parking, landscaping and open space). The application seeks amendments to the previously approved tenure mix, alterations to finished floor levels, alterations to ridge heights and footprints for defined plots, the re-siting of houses within plots, and internal and external alterations to defined plots. 24th June 2024
PA/2023/0370 Application for the proposal to demolish Victoria Square and Egerton Walk element of Walkden Town Centre, and redevelopment and refurbishment of existing unit frontages to provide new external elevations for units within Use Class E with associated Sui Generis drinking establishments facing onto newly developed external areas including the creation of a new external boulevard serving the town centre and the creation of future development plots and associated works 6th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.

Refused Developments:

There were three major scheme development refusals over May and June, and two withdrawals. 

Salford City Council
Application Ref Description Date of Refusal/ Withdrawal
PA/2023/0467 Partial demolition of Monks Hall, change of use to 1no. 2B3P apartment, and 2no. 3B5P apartments. Construction of 5no. 5B6P houses, 3no. 3B6P houses, and an apartment block containing 1no. 1B2P, 7no. 2B3P, 1no. 2B4P, 1no. 3B6P apartments (total 10no. apartments) together with associated landscaping, car parking and alteration to existing vehicular access. 6th June 2024
PA/2024/0129 Full planning permission for the erection of a 51 no. apartment retirement living development (Use Class C3), landscaping, car parking and all associated works. 22nd May 2024
PA/2023/0434 Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a mixed-use development comprising 3no. new commercial units (Class E uses) and 32no. apartments (C3 Use), together with associated parking, landscaping, cycle and refuse storage.
2nd May 2024
23/82423/FUL Conversion of disused Grade II Listed Church to a mixed-use development of 15no. apartments (C3), flexible commercial/business/service use (Class E) at ground floor and community use (Class F.1) with upwards extension, alterations to elevations, and ancillary storage to basement level.
25th June 2024
23/81742/HYBEIA Hybrid planning application for land East of Boothstown for a multi-phased, severable development comprising:  Full planning application comprising 65 dwellings (Use Class C3), located on the northern part of the site, together with vehicular access from Occupation Road, public open space, children's play space, the provision of new and enhancements to existing footpaths and cycleways, and associated engineering operations; and - Outline planning application, with all matters reserved for up to 285 dwellings (Use Class C3) with access point off Occupation Road together with public open space, children's play space, the provision of new and enhancements to existing footpaths and cycle ways, and associated engineering operations. 7th May 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Development Update: Wigan Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over May and June 2024 in Wigan:

Wigan Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
A/22/94807/MAJOR Erection of 14 detached dwellings together with associated parking, landscaping, boundary treatment and access following demolition of existing buildings 10th May 2024
A/23/96052/MAJOR Erection of 22 flats in a three-storey apartment block, with associated car parking, landscaping, alterations to access and external works, following demolition of existing buildings. (Resubmission of A/22/94766/MAJOR) 13th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Refused Developments:

There was one major scheme development refusal over May and June, and one withdrawal. 

Wigan Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
A/21/92732/OUT Outline application for residential development with all matters reserved except for access 23rd May 2024
A/21/92629/MAJOR Residential development of 10 four storey four bedroom detached dwellings and 7 three storey five bedroom detached dwellings with roof terraces, landscaping, parking and associated works together with new access from Wingates Road and new pedestrian access from Leyland Mill Lane following demolition of former mill buildings 18th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Development Update: Bury Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over March and April 2024 in Bury:

Bury Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
PP-12965233 Change of use of No.108 Dwelling (class C3) to dental clinic (class D) merge with existing dental clinic at No.110, Window to front elevation; 3 new parking bays at rear, and single storey rear extension. 3rd June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.

Refused Developments:

There were two major scheme development refusals over May and June. 

Bury Council
Application Ref Description Date of Refusal/ Withdrawal
70710 Change of use of part car showroom (Sui Generis) to retail (Class E(a))and office (Class E(g)(i)) single storey extension and external alterations. 3rd June 2024
70617 Change of use of existing residential dwelling (Class C3) to prayer hall (Class F1(f)) to ground floor and self-contained flat (Class C3(a)) to first floor with rear balcony; installation of air-conditioning units. 19th June 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Development Update: Oldham Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over May and June 2024 in Oldham:

Oldham Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
FUL/347760/21 Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 27 no. dwellings 16th May 2024 (Subject to S106)

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.


Development Update: Trafford Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over May and June 2024 in Trafford:

Trafford Council
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
112477/FUL/23 Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 57 new homes including a mix of houses and apartments, together with associated infrastructure, access, internal roads, footpaths, landscaping, open space and all other associated works. 10th May 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.




Development Update: Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council


Approved Developments:

List of major development schemes approved over May and June 2024 in Tameside:

Tameside MBC
Application Ref Description Date of Approval
23/00971/FUL The repair, alteration and change of use of the disused former St Luke's Church to form 12 no. residential apartments (C3) demolition of the former church hall and erection of 6 no. dwellings (C3); including alterations to access and service routes; and the creation of landscaped residential amenity areas, gardens and associated parking. (Amended Plans) 30th May 2024

Search the Application Ref in the Planning Portal for more information here.



Expert Opinion 

"May and June show a continued dedication across the wider combined authority to refurbish and reuse older buildings, as well as an ambition to create new, well-planned urban spaces. Over the past couple of months, there has been an increase in the number of Change of Use Applications being approved and a continued focus on residential-led schemes. While over 300 new homes have been approved in the past two months, it is clear that the LPAs are thorough in their assessments, ensuring the historic character of Manchester is carefully protected (REF: 23/82423/FUL).

In Salford, across all three applications that were refused, the principle of residential development on these sites is agreed upon. However, the common reason for refusal is the impact of the scale and massing of the proposals on the wider streetscape and context. Could we see appeals being submitted or revised applications over the coming year on these sites?

With the new Government's promise to drive house building and commitment to review the Green Belt, new sites, coined Grey Belt, may be unlocked for development. Could this application in Wigan (Ref: A/21/92732/OUT), refused for being inappropriate development in the Green Belt, be one of them?

Anna Mackay - Account Manager, VU.CITY


  • The development update for Manchester over May and June 2024 showcases that the city is embracing innovative solutions like temporary co-working spaces while also addressing the needs of specific populations through dementia care facilities and student accommodations.
  • However, the council remains cautious about overloading existing infrastructure and maintains a focus on preserving commercial spaces. These trends highlight Manchester's balanced approach to urban development, aiming to foster growth and innovation while ensuring sustainable and community-focused planning.
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