Discover VU.CITY's bespoke Zone of Theoretical Visibility Service.
With flexibility that goes beyond our platform, you'll get a larger range, the ability to toggle trees and consents on or off, and the option to include an incremental heat map.
Our advanced 3D models and data-driven approach ensure accurate, efficient, and cost-effective visual impact assessments for any development in dense urban environments.
Unleash the Power of ZTV
We understand the importance of accurately assessing the visual impact of your development. That's why we've developed a comprehensive and bespoke ZTV service that has both impeccable detail and can cover a wide area to provide you with precise and data-driven insights.
Our ZTV service goes beyond the normal capabilities of the VU.CITY platform, while still leveraging its highly accurate base model. This includes:
- A much larger range of coverage
- The ability to toggle trees and consents on or off
- The option to include an incremental heat map.
- More flexibility

comprehensive coverage
Our borough-wide sample areas and super-fine sample sizes (< 1m) ensure comprehensive coverage and granular detail, leaving no stone unturned.
Customisable visibility
Tailor your ZTV analysis with adjustable "Height Bands" to calculate visibility across your model, including trees and consents.

detailed deliverables
Receive high-quality outputs, including PDFs, high-resolution images, and more, to seamlessly integrate into your Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and other project documentation.

rapid turnaround
Our efficient process delivers your ZTV analysis in just a few days, keeping your project on schedule.
trusted by industry leaders
VU.CITY's ZTV service has been relied upon by leading organisations in the built environment industry. Our data-driven approach and commitment to accuracy have made us the go-to partner for visual impact assessments.
2km example ZTV
Consented buildings on
2km example ZTV
Without trees (left), with trees (right)
2km example ZTV
Heat map with building key
Visual Impact Analysis (VIA) is a crucial assessment process that evaluates the potential visual effects of a proposed development on its surrounding environment. It involves creating detailed 3D models to simulate and analyse how a new structure will be seen from various vantage points.
Our ZTV service is essential for anyone looking to undertake a VIA such as planners, architects, and developers as it helps them understand and mitigate any negative visual impacts their projects may have on the landscape and community. By using advanced visualisation tools, we ensure that developments harmonise with their surroundings, preserving aesthetic values and minimising adverse effects on local vistas.