VU.CITY Belfast's functionality and rich data layers help reduce design and planning uncertainty, highlight potential impact and speed up crucial decisions.
With VU.CITY accurate, interactive and immersive 3D digital model of Belfast all stakeholders can collaborate on solutions for smarter decisions and project success.
With cranes dotted across the city and buildings going up at breakneck speed, Belfast is a city with an ever-changing landscape.
Belfast has become an incredibly attractive city to invest in and is ranked as one of the top cities to live, work and play in and VU.CITY is proud to be heavily involved in Belfast's innovative activities.
Frameworks such as Belfast City Council’s ‘Smart Belfast’: the catalyst for sweeping change as developers look to redevelop key areas such as Weavers Cross, Titanic Quarter, Belfast Harbour, Giants Park, Gasworks, Tribeca, with social housing high on the housing executive agenda.
VU.CITY Belfast is playing a crucial role in the regeneration of Northern Ireland’s capital, with rich data to help inform the best design and planning decisions – including Listed Building Information, Conservation Areas, and the Local Development Plan.
'Air Quality Management Areas' have been mapped as part of Belfast City Council’s ambition to become carbon net zero, which we have included in the platform along with other local environmental and socio-economic data.
Belfast City Council is a huge advocate of VU.CITY, as a key tool in shaping the city by supporting planning officers in understanding change with pre-app conversations and the planning approval process.
VU.CITY Belfast licence holders, such as RPP Architects, ARUP, John McAslan + Partners, Juno Planning, Todd Architects, Like Architects and MRL Architects have found the platform and its features beneficial to look at feasibility, review designs in urban context, to aid with masterplanning as well as having transparent discussions with stakeholders and planning bodies.
Belfast has determined that the key to the post-pandemic success will be innovation. The new partnership, Innovation City Belfast, brings together Belfast City Council, Belfast Harbour, Catalyst, Queen’s University and Ulster University, with Invest Northern Ireland as an advisory partner. They are committed to delivering an ambitious long-term plan that will establish Belfast as a globally significant destination for innovation and VU.CITY will be integral to this framework to visualize Belfast incredible change.
VU.CITY Belfast: Highlights
Consented Schemes Timeline
Realise a site’s potential by viewing and assessing recently consented developments across Belfast.
Test Massing
Assess multiple initial massing options at an early stage and GEA potential quickly.
Import Designs
Easily import your designs from external 3D software (such as Revit, Rhino, SketchUp & 3ds Max) into the Belfast model and test how they will work in situ.
Sunlight Analysis
Quickly view and assess the initial impact of light from your proposed developments.
Camera Studies and Presenter Tool
Conduct high-level townscape and visual impact assessments. Agree on key views to analyse further. Select key views and confidentially present your proposals to take stakeholder on the journey of design.
Zone of Theoretical Visibility
Save time by eliminating unnecessary views for analysis. Understand where your scheme can be seen from and which views are critical to assess.
Annotate with Tags
Mark up comments and actions and easily collaborate on a site or scheme with project team members.

Data Layers

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Air Quality Management Areas
Conservation Areas
Deprivation Areas
DDP Area of Parking Restraint
DDP Area of Townscape Character
DDP Areas of High Scenic Value
DDP Arterial Route
DDP Belfast Hills Access Point
DDP City Centre
DDP Coastal Area
DDP Commercial Node
DDP Community Greenway
DDP Development Limit
DDP District Centre
DDP Existing Employment
DDP HMO Development Node
DDP HMO Policy Area
DDP Harbour Area
DDP Hills Operational Area
DDP Local Landscape Policy Areas
DDP Landscape Wedge
DDP Office Area
DDP Primary Retail Core
DDP Primary Retail Frontage
DDP Shopping Commercial Area
DDP Sites of Local Nature Conservation Importance (SLNCI)
Listed Buildings
Draft Development Plan Area
Council Assets
Cycle Lanes
Flood Risk
GLPR and Property Assets
Smart District Sites

Can't see your area? Get in touch.
VU.CITY is constantly expanding in coverage.

Create smart cities the smart way
VU.CITY helps organise, visualise, and analyse city data in the clearest and most accessible way to make better decisions.
VU.CITY covers the whole of London and 25 major UK and international cities.
Transform design and planning
Quickly identify and appraise sites. VU.CITY's visualization, design functionality and planning data, allow you to optimise your designs.
Build trust and collaboration
Now everyone involved can have a clear, universal understanding of what’s proposed and why, in a single, secure place. VU.CITY makes decision-making democratic and fair.
Remove barriers and minimise risks early. Have confidence in your designs and plans. Increase buy-in for project success.
Test out ideas in situ, from one building to a masterplan. Create your vision and submissions with confidence.
Collate site information in one place
Communicate complex spatial arrangements

Make documentation stand up and stand out
Speed up planning conversations
Strengthen relationships
Create winning submissions

Discover where there is potential for change, and help everyone easily understand what’s involved and why.
Collate site information in one place
Communicate complex spatial arrangements

Speed up the planning process
Speed up planning conversations
Strengthen relationships
Create winning submissions

Reduce guesswork and unwanted costs – make the right decisions for the right outcomes, faster.
Appraise site capacity and viability, faster

Save time and costs through collaboration
Reduce planning uncertainties; increase buy-in
Speed up the planning process with better informed decisions
Sell or lease earlier to realise profits sooner

Understand designs and plans with ease, and make decisions with clarity to benefit your city and your communities.
Make the best possible decisions, quicker
Collate site, scheme and planning information in one place
Standardise decision-making

Have informed and transparent conversations
Improve how you consult on policies and plans
Understand the cumulative effects of planning changes