achieving additional height 

This case study explores how Bellway Homes overcame initial challenges to secure approval for more stories on their 12-21 Dingwall Road development in Croydon, UK.

By leveraging VU.CITY's innovative 3D technology, Bellway Homes and Savills were able to successfully navigate the planning process and achieve a remarkable outcome.



How Bellway Homes Achieved Additional Height Approval in Croydon Using VU.CITY

This case study explores how Bellway Homes utilised VU.CITY's innovative 3D technology to successfully navigate the planning process for their 12-21 Dingwall Road development in Croydon, UK.

The project initially faced challenges regarding deliverability and viability with the existing planning permission. However, through the strategic use of VU.CITY, Bellway Homes achieved a remarkable outcome, securing approval for additional stories on the development.


Project Background

Bellway Homes acquired the Dingwall Road site in 2019 with an existing planning permission for two buildings ranging from 9 to 24 storeys. While an initial design existed, Bellway identified limitations concerning deliverability, build-ability, and overall viability.

They addressed some issues through non-material amendments but ultimately sought a complete redesign that adhered to the original design principles while resolving the outstanding concerns. This necessitated a new planning application, presenting an opportunity for further improvements which resulted in them achieving additional height for the scheme.


Savills' Role and Involvement

Savills, the planning consultant for Bellway Homes since the site acquisition in 2019, played a crucial role throughout the project. Their involvement spanned the initial non-material amendments and continued through the new application process.

This new application featured VU.CITY and was used to achieve additional height for the scheme by way of the planning application.


VU.CITY: A Game-Changer for Communication and Efficiency

Savills recognised the potential of VU.CITY's 3D technology to enhance communication and secure project approval. They implemented VU.CITY at two key stages:

  1. Pre-application stage: VU.CITY facilitated the exploration of design iterations, allowing Savills to effectively communicate potential development options to Croydon Council planning officers.
  2. Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA): The 3D visualisations generated by VU.CITY were incorporated into the TVIA, providing a clear understanding of the development's visual impact on the surrounding area. This transparency proved invaluable in demonstrating the feasibility of additional height for the scheme.
Croydon panoramas
Consented and proposed representative views


The Power of 3D Visualisation

The use of VU.CITY's 3D technology yielded significant benefits for the project:

TOOLSEnhanced Communication: The 3D models fostered a deeper understanding between Bellway Homes,                     Savills, and Croydon Council planning officers. This eliminated ambiguity and facilitated efficient 

             communication regarding the proposed design and its impact on the surrounding environment.

Collate-infoImproved Decision-Making: The clear visualisation capabilities of VU.CITY empowered Croydon Council                 to make informed decisions regarding the additional stories proposed by Bellway Homes.

ConsciouslyImproveMaking the Site Viable: By achieving additional height for the scheme by way of the planning application,               reason for developing the site became viable again.


A Successful Outcome

In January 2024, Croydon Council's Planning Application Committee granted planning permission for the new application with the additional height added to the development, subject to standard procedures. This remarkable achievement underscores the effectiveness of VU.CITY in navigating the planning process and achieving positive outcomes.

Looking Forward: The Future of Planning

The Dingwall Road case study exemplifies the transformative power of 3D technology in development planning. As planning authorities increasingly embrace tools like VU.CITY, we can expect a future characterised by:

ConsciouslyImproveStreamlined Communication: 3D visualisations will become commonplace, fostering clearer                                     communication between developers, planning consultants, and local authorities.

StandariseEnhanced Decision-Making: Planning decisions will benefit from a deeper understanding of proposed                     developments and their impact on the surrounding environment.


In Conclusion

The successful execution of the 12-21 Dingwall Road project serves as a testament to the power of innovative technologies like VU.CITY. By leveraging 3D visualisation, Bellway Homes and Savills achieved their objectives, securing additional stories and navigating the planning process efficiently.

As the planning landscape evolves, we can expect VU.CITY and similar 3D technologies to play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of development.


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